Zong Discount Bazar
Discount Bazar is designed to help users save money on everyday purchases by providing exclusive discounts on various products by subscriber through ZONG Discount Bazar App. This app will be a game-changer in how customers access savings, making it easier and more convenient than ever before.
App link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zdb.androidBelow are charging variants for Zong Discount Bazar,
- For Daily Subscription Price is PKR 5 ( Inclu. Of tax)
- For Weekly Subscription Price is PKR 20 ( Inclu. Of tax)
- For Monthly Subscription Price is PKR 80 ( Inclu. Of tax)
For more information click here http://www.zongdiscountbazaar.com.pk/

- What is Zong discount bazar service?
- Discount Bazar is designed to help users save money on everyday purchases by providing exclusive discounts on various products by subscriber through ZONG Discount Bazar App.
- Do I need a special SIM or phone to subscribe to this service and how it can be subscribed?
- No. You do not need any special SIM or phone to subscribe to the service. This service can work on any smartphone, customer need to download app from google play store or through different promotional links which will be available on different social media platforms.
- Who can subscribe to the ZDB service?
- All Zong Prepaid customers can subscribe to the service.
- How will I get discount ?
- You will have to scan QR or a merchant code will be by the brand to avail discount on that brand of any product which will be available in app .
- Will I be charged for every discount that I receive in app?
- No, only the subscription fee will be charged daily, weekly and monthly according to the package.
- Notifications that will be received:
- Notification related to deals & discount will be pushed to the users so that they can be aware of the offers.